No Dress Rehearsal, This is Our Life

I’m laying here in bed procrastinating while I write this post. It’s after 2 am and I’m supposed to be packing and getting all of my gear together so that when I get up in the morning my mom can drive me to meet one of my best friends. Morgan will take me the rest of the […]

How Do You Choose Your Person?

Imagine being 36 and being told you have breast cancer. It has already moved out of the breast and started spreading through your bones. When you are first diagnosed with any kind of disease, the first thing that happens is information overload. You’re alone, scared, and overwhelmed by all of the new information you’re being given because there is […]

Losing My Face in the Mirror

There isn’t much that phases me anymore when it comes to dealing and managing the side effects of my disease. I can handle a lot of things when it comes to life and having cancer. I know I’m dying from this. I don’t know how much time I have left but I do know that […]